FLORISTS: to get your
FREE tags just complete the details in the form below.
The Lonely Bouquet is a heart-warming idea that we are happy to support all through the year,
not just for the International Lonely Bouquet Day on Sunday 26th June.
we've done over the past 9 years, we will print personalised tags for any florist shop that wants to take part completely
FREE of charge. We think it's a brilliant idea and a great opportunity to bring a smile to lots of faces with the power
of flowers, and in the process generate some great positive publicity for your shop, so we're happy to help as many
florists as possible.
print different design tags for Flower Arranging Societies and WI's (also free). Please click HERE to be taken to the right page for those tags.
Not heard about The Lonely Bouquet? It's a movement
developed by Emily Avenson, an American then living in Belgium, dedicated to "spreading happiness and smiles, one flower
at a time". The idea is simple; make a bouquet, attach a "take me!" tag, and leave it for a stranger to find
to brighten their day. The idea has taken off, not just in Belgium where Emily started it, but now throughout
the UK and across the globe.
We now have 2 options for your tags. Option 1 is the original text while Option
2 is a newer, double-sided version with different text.
To get your FREE tags just complete the details
in the form below.
Please make sure that you press the Submit button after completing the form otherwise we don't
get your details!