Scroll down for samples of envelope designs and colour combinations
We recommend that you look at these first to see some ideas and colour combinations
you click on the button to create your own envelope design with your own details
Envelopes Printed with your shop details
(Actual envelope size 110mm x 70mm)
1000 White Envelopes £38.95 or 4000 for only
1000 Cream Envelopes £42 or 4000 for only £145
1000 Kraft Envelopes £43 or 4000 for only £1491000 Silver for only £57 or 4000 for only £189
1000 Gold for only £65 or 4000
for only £215
These prices include
design, artwork and printing in any of the standard colours
black, aubergine, blue, green, brown, red and purple. The minimum quantity for printing in black is 1000, for other colours
it's 2000.
colours, such as cerise, lime green or burgundy can be printed.
Below are designs we have printed for some of our customers.
We can design something from your own ideas or we can create something for you ourselves.
Colour Combinations
Please bear in mind that colours look different on different monitors.
These are just to give you an indication of what different colours of ink will look like on the different colours of
If the exact colour is particularly important then please ask us to send you a sample.
this first section we show our standard colours:
Black, Blue, Green, Brown, Red, Purple and Aubergine
The examples below are not standard colours,
but some our customers have asked for.
We can print any colour, but if not one of the 7 standard colours above, then
will be a £19 charge for mixing the ink and cleaning printing machine afterwards.