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Mother's Day Business Survey Results 2024

01934 644451
We're happy to help

Thank you for taking part in our Mother's Day Business Survey.  This is the 23rd National Business Survey that we have undertaken. 

Here, as promised, are the results.

They show an even more positive picture than at Valentine's.  In order to demonstrate that we have included the results from our Christmas and Valentine's Surveys side by side with those from the Mother's Day survey to highlight the improvement.


How did your Mother's Day Business turn out compared to what you expected?

Over the country as a whole Mother's Day was better than most had expected, with six out of ten (61%) saying that business was better than expected, with only one in ten (10%) reporting it was worse than expected. 

This continues the trend to more positive results seen at Valentine's Day.

The figures show a positive balance of  +51% points (61% better than expected vs 10% worse than expected) for the country as a whole, which is better than at Valentine's (+29% points: 51% better vs 22% worse) and much better than at Christmas where the balance was negative (-6% points: 31% better than expected vs 37% worse than expected)

Bear in mind that these comments were how things turned out compared to their expectations which shows how apprehensive florists were after poor trading in the latter half of 2023.


How did business compare with last year?

Again, there was a considerable improvement over the results from Christmas and Valentine's Day for the country as a whole, with six out of ten (59%) saying that business was better than last year, with only a small minority, one in seven (14%) reporting it was worse than last year. This gives a positive balance of +45% points.

This continues the trend to more positive results seen at Valentine's Day, where there was a net positive score of +24% points (53% saying that business was better than last year, but 29% reporting it was worse, which was much better than at Christmas where the balance was negative (-12% points: 34% better vs 46% worse).


How did the number of orders compare with last year?

Taking the country as a whole, just over half (53%) reported higher numbers than last year.  However one in six (17%) said that their numbers had fallen.

Again, there was an improvement over Valentine's Day, not so much at the positive end where 53% reported higher numbers compared to 45% at Valentine's Day, but more at the bottom end where far fewer said their numbers were down on the previous year (only 17% at Mother's Day vs 33% at Valentine's).


How did the average order value compare with last year?

The reported increase in average order value was more than the increase in order numbers.  Two out of three (66%) said it was higher, with only a small minority (11%) suffering a lower order value.  This difference of +55% points is significantly higher than the +36% points reported for order numbers.

Looking forward to 2024 as a whole how do you feel?

Over the country the balance is overwhelmingly optimistic, with six out of ten positive (62%) and only one in twelve (8%) pessimistic.  To a degree, part of this is likely to be relief at the recovery from a poor Christmas and an OK Valentine's Day.

The upward trend is again clear. From a net score of +26% points at Christmas (46% optimistic vs 20% pessimistic) through +33% points at Valentine's (52% optimistic vs 19% pessimistic) to +54% points after Mother's Day 62% optimistic vs 8% pessimistic).

The detailed results (based on 289 responses) are below.

 I wish you all good business for the rest of the year.

Grant McGowan


Over the country as a whole Mother's Day was better than most had expected, with six out of ten (61%) saying that business was better than expected, with only one in ten (10%) reporting it was worse than expected. 


This continues the trend to more positive results seen at Valentine's Day.

The figures show a positive balance of  +51% points (61% better than expected vs 10% worse than expected) for the country as a whole, which is better than at Valentine's (+29% points: 51% better vs 22% worse) and much better than at Christmas where the balance was negative (-6% points: 31% better than expected vs 37% worse than expected)

Bear in mind that these comments were how things turned out compared to their expectations which shows how apprehensive florists were after poor trading in the latter half of 2023.


Again, there was a considerable improvement over the results from Christmas and Valentine's Day for the country as a whole, with six out of ten (59%) saying that business was better than last year, with only a small minority, one in seven (14%) reporting it was worse than last year.

This gives a positive balance of +45% points.


This continues the trend to more positive results seen at Valentine's Day.

The figures show a positive balance of +45% points (59% better than last year vs 14% worse) for the country as a whole, which is better than at Valentine's (+24% points: 53% better vs 29% worse) and much better than at Christmas where the balance was negative (-12% points: 34% better than expected vs 46% worse.)

Have you checked your stock to replenish what was used at Mother's Day ?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?   Tags?   Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto
(even if you haven't had them from us before!)


Taking the country as a whole, just over half (53%) reported higher numbers than last year.  However one in six (17%) said that their numbers had fallen.


Again, there was an improvement over Valentine's Day, not so much at the positive end where 53% reported higher numbers compared to 45% at Valentine's Day, but more at the bottom end where far fewer said their numbers were down on the previous year (only 17% at Mother's Day vs 33% at Valentine's).

(The question was not asked at Christmas)




The reported increase in average order value was more than the increase in order numbers.  Two out of three (66%) said it was higher, with only a small minority (11%) suffering a lower order value.  This difference of +55% points is significantly higher than the +36% points reported for order numbers.


While there was a further improvement in the average order values over Valentine's and Christmas it wasn't so marked as the improvement in other figures.


Every time we ask this question florists tell us that the number of relay orders they received at the peak in question was fewer than they expected.  For this Mother's Day however, the proportion saying that the orders they received were greater than their expectations beforehand were as close to the percentage claiming to have received fewer than they expected as we have seen for some years.




As with the responses to the other questions in this survey, the trend into more positive territory continues here.  The results at Mother's Day were more positive than at Valentine's and much more positive than at Christmas.


Have you checked your stock to replenish what was used at Mother's Day ?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?   Tags?   Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto
(even if you haven't had them from us before!)


Over the country the balance is overwhelmingly optimistic, with six out of ten positive (62%) and only one in twelve (8%) pessimistic.  To a degree, part of this is likely to be relief at the recovery from a poor Christmas and an OK Valentine's day.


The upward trend is again clear. From a net score of +26% points at Christmas (46% optimistic vs 20% pessimistic) through +33% points at Valentine's (52% optimistic vs 19% pessimistic) to +54% points after Mother's Day 62% optimistic vs 8% pessimistic).

Have you checked your stock to replenish what was used at Mother's Day ?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?   Tags?   Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto
(even if you haven't had them from us before!)