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Christmas Business Survey Results 2019

01934 644451
We're happy to help

Thank you for taking part in our annual Christmas business survey.  A total of 384 florists took part, which is the most we've ever had in 9 years of running these.
We really appreciate it as it allows us to feed back to the industry the results for the country as a whole.  You then have something with which to compare your own figures and assessment of how things went, to put things in context.
Here, as promised, are the results.
There appears to have been considerable variation in the level of business achieved, with a broad spread from much better than last year to worse than last year.  Across the country there were as many who felt that business was better than last year as felt that it wasn't so good. Overall the average order value was slightly up on last year.
Many relay members felt that they didn't get as many orders as they had been expecting.
Generally, florists expect Valentine's business to be much the same as last year.  Despite everything else significantly more florists feel optimistic than pessimistic about how 2020 will turn out.
The full results are shown in the tables below. 
I wish you all good business for Valentine's Day, and the rest of the year.

Grant McGowan
Managing Director

The detailed results (based on 384 responses) are below


As you can see, there was a considerable variation in how Christmas business matched up to expectations.
Just under one in four had a much better Christmas than they had expected.  However a similar proportion of florists found it worse than they had expected, with a small number much worse.  The overall balance fell in favour of those who felt they had done better (46% of repondents) vs those who felt that they had done worse (26%)
Over the country nearly three quarters were somewhere in the middle, with a total of 72% saying slightly better, much the same or slightly worse.


Again, there was a wide variation, with a similar picture to how Christmas business matched up to expectations.
Not as many people were in the middle category, "Much the same as last year".  There was a slight movement towards better results than last year, but not much.

Have you checked your stock to make sure you have enough for Mother's Day?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?    Business Cards?    Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto (even if you haven't had them from us before!)


Overall average order value was considered by more people to be up on last year, with 45% thinking it higher than last year versus only 13% thinking it had gone down.  The greatest proportion, 40%, felt that it was much the same as last year.


This question was only for those florists who were members of a relay organisation.
Over the country there was a significant majority, nearly half (46%) who felt that they did not receive as many orders as they had expected (compared with 17% who believed that they had received more orders).  One in five (22%) went as far as saying that orders were Much less than expected.
The balance of members (37%) considered that the number they received was much in line with their expectations.

Have you checked your stock to make sure you have enough for Mother's Day?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?    Business Cards?    Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto (even if you haven't had them from us before!)


Although again there is a range of opinion, the vast majority are somewhere in the middle, with 87% of florists responding with: much the same, slightly better or slightly worse.  Very few expect things to be much better or much worse than last year.



Despite the broad range of results over Christmas and the general expectation that Valentine's Day business will be much as it was last year, the overall feel for business in 2020 is more on the positive side than negative. (54% optimistic vs 16% pessimistic).  Let's hope that proves true for all of us!


Have you checked your stock to make sure you have enough for Mother's Day?
Cards?    Envelopes?    Labels?    Order Pads?    Business Cards?    Delivery Cards?
Call us now on 01934 644451 and we'll get them to you pronto (even if you haven't had them from us before!)


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